
准备好开始使用符合您需求的太阳能? Learn the pertinent details you’ll want to consider in order to begin your journey with knowledge and confidence.


购买太阳能产品会让人感到困惑和不知所措. 这里有五个步骤让你自信地使用太阳能:


Rooftop solar panel systems have plenty of benefits, but not every property is suitable for solar. 以下描述了太阳能的理想候选物:

  • 你拥有你的财产
  • 你的屋顶或房子有足够的空间和阳光
  • 你有资格享受税收优惠
  • 您的安装将给您带来良好的投资回报

使用这个 太阳能电池板计算器 快速估计你的太阳能潜力.


一旦你确信使用太阳能是值得考虑的, it’s time to connect with local installers to find a solar panel system installation that fits your needs and budget. 的 EnergySage市场 is a free online service that helps you gather and compare solar quotes directly from vetted installers in your area with the support of a vendor-neutral expert advisor.


在比较价格之后, 太阳能设备的质量, 融资选择, 以及潜在安装人员的声誉, you should pick the installer that you have the most confidence in to perform an efficient and cost-effective installation with long-lasting equipment.


太阳能 panel systems can typically save West Central Florida area homeowners about $35,000-$45,超过25年, 但前期成本仍然相当可观. Most people pay for their solar installations with a loan, 租赁, or with cash upfront. 了解更多关于 如何支付太阳能费用.


在你的安装人员检查并批准你的太阳能空间之后, the installer must submit a solar interconnection application (and a battery interconnection application – if applicable), 给澳门网上真人赌博官网. 在收到申请后, 澳门网上真人赌博官网将对该系统进行检查, 包括断开开关. 请注意,这可能需要长达30个日历天. Once inspections are complete, you're ready to generate power with your new solar system.

了解更多关于 如何使用太阳能.

太阳能电池板系统的总价格取决于系统的大小, 太阳能电池板品牌, 以及屋顶或土地的特征. 平均而言,佛罗里达州中西部的太阳能电池板成本 $2.62 / W 因此,一辆典型的13辆车的平均价格为35277美元.8千瓦太阳能电池板系统.

Federal, state, and local incentives can cut these costs by thousands of dollars. 例如, 联邦太阳能税收抵免 仅这一项就能将太阳能的成本降低30%. 太阳能 owners in the West Central Florida area who pay for their system up front will typically recover their solar investment in about 8.5年. For those who finance their systems, the timing of the savings will depend on the terms of your loan. 在澳门线上真人博彩官网州的气候和现有的激励措施之间, 太阳能电池板通常为佛罗里达中西部地区的居民节省约35美元,000-$45,超过25年.

的re are three main methods to pay for solar installations: with cash upfront or via a 太阳能贷款 或者一个 租赁. Paying with cash generates the most savings over time but requires a significant upfront investment. 太阳能 loans allow you to pay for your installation in monthly installments while maintaining ownership of your system. Leasing your solar panels is an affordable way to go solar but may disqualify you from financial incentives and limit your potential savings. 

了解更多关于 佛罗里达州的太阳能成本.

To get the most out of your system, you’ll need to choose the right equipment. 面板类型, 功率输出, 效率, 温度系数, 寿命, and 保修 all contribute to a solar panel’s ability to meet your unique energy needs.

功率输出 & 效率

太阳能电池板 功率输出 指的是它产生的电量,以及它的 效率 measures how well it converts sunlight into electricity and is measured as a percentage. 例如, most solar panels convert between 17 percent and 20 percent of the sunlight exposed to their cells into electricity. 然而,高效太阳能电池板的效率可以超过22%. 如果你的太阳能电池板系统空间有限, choosing a more efficient solar panel may be worth the investment as fewer panels are needed to meet your demands.


在理想条件下测量太阳能电池板的瓦数和输出, 这意味着当天气变化时,你应该少期待一些. 你的板 温度系数 indicates how much the performance of your solar panel may change under less-than-ideal conditions. 例如,温度系数为0.5表示每10C 25以上0C,太阳能板的效率降低0.5%. This means that solar panels with a low 温度系数 (typically around 0.在……方面表现更好 炎热的气候. 由于佛罗里达持续的高温, choosing a solar panel with a low 温度系数 is beneficial to maximize your system's electricity production.

寿命 & 保修

A home solar panel system is a substantial investment that should last you decades, 所以选择一个可靠的太阳能电池板品牌是很重要的 产品和性能保证 自信地保护您的购买. 产品保修 usually cover manufacturing defects like premature wear and tear, whereas performance 保证 guarantee that your panels will maintain a certain amount of output throughout their lifetime. 为了最大限度地利用您的太阳能投资,澳门线上真人博彩官网建议您进行审查 EnergySage关于太阳能电池板保修的文章.

了解更多关于 如何选择太阳能电池板.


On average, Floridians need 27 to 34 solar panels to cover most of their electricity usage. 除了你的预算和目标, the number of solar panels you’ll need depends on your annual electricity consumption, 太阳能电池板的瓦数, 以及太阳能电池板系统的估计生产比率.


平均到2022年, 澳门网上真人赌博官网的客户用了16个单户住宅,每年752千瓦时的电力. 当你决定安装多少太阳能电池板时, 考虑你现在和未来的能源需求. 尤其是在佛罗里达漫长的, 炎热的夏季, 比如游泳池, 交流系统, and other appliances can significantly increase the energy usage of your solar panel system.


大多数住宅太阳能电池板的额定功率为250到400瓦. 市场上最高效的太阳能电池板是370到400瓦的型号. 额定功率越高,输出功率越高. 如果你的空间有限, you many want to consider higher wattage panels so you can produce the amount of energy needed with fewer panels.

了解更多关于 你需要多少太阳能板.


的 寿命 of a solar panel is measured by its usefulness rather than its ability to turn on. 太阳能电池板的使用寿命通常为25-30年. 的 功率输出 of a solar panel is highest at the beginning of its life and slowly degrades over time. 最终, 能源生产下降的幅度在制造商看来相当大, 太阳能电池板的寿命被认为是完整的. 

太阳能电池板输出下降的速率被称为 太阳能电池板降解率. 例如,一个带有0的太阳能电池板.5%的降解率仍将运行在87.25年后只有原来产量的5%. 多亏了太阳能电池板技术的进步, a solar degradation rate below 1 percent is now the industry standard and most solar manufacturers guarantee a certain amount of output each year through performance 保证


太阳能 panels come with multiple 保证 that can provide peace of mind when investing in a solar system. 

产品保修 是否由制造商提供并防止制造缺陷. 重要的是, 由制造商无法控制的因素造成的损坏或缺陷, 比如自然灾害, 通常不在产品保修范围内. 

性能保证, also known as power 保证, can help you understand how long your solar panels may last. 性能保证 typically last 25年 and guarantee that your panels will produce a certain percentage of their original output each year. 

了解更多关于 太阳能电池板寿命.

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的 EnergySage calculator can estimate your solar potential and savings by address. Estimates are based on your roof, electricity bill and actual offers in your area.



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如果屋顶太阳能对你来说不是可行的选择, consider 坦帕电’s 太阳选择 community solar program that lets you power your home with locally generated solar power.


EnergySage is a third-party online resource that helps educate consumers about renewable energy solutions. It offers online offers for rooftop solar and/or battery installations from EnergySage-qualified solar installers and financing companies.
